The Alcohol Harm Reduction Toolbox

Suffering from minor withdraw for while, then things got really bad and I had to go to detox. Was hearing voices, losing my sanity, emotions all over the place, impossible to do simple task. Shortly after detox I relapsed and spent the next months trying and failing to taper.

Can people successfully use alcohol to taper off?

However, researchers such as Dr. Albert Bandura tell us that the most powerful force for positive self change is self-efficacy. AA destroys self-efficacy and replaces it with an unhealthy dependency on AA. This is why AA members are always on the verge of relapse even after 20 years of sobriety.

Drink Only at Home

Personal health, both physical and mental, as well as someone’s current drinking habits, should also be taken into account before deciding on anything. Glutamine has been found to reduce alcohol consumption in rats by 35% (Rogers et al, 1955). A number of people have also reported that glutamine has helped them to reduce their drinking. Glutamine is available as an over the counter dietary supplement. In a preliminary study with human subjects, Rogers et al (1957) administered 1,000 mg of glutamine to subjects who had reported alcohol problems. Subjects were instructed to take 400 mg of glutamine with breakfast, 400 with lunch, and 200 with dinner.

Who Should Consider Alcohol Tapering?

If you are one of these people you may need AA deprogramming. And the same is true for courts or employers who force AA on people. Fortunately many states have recognized that forced AA participation is unconstitutional because it violates the right to freedom of religion.

Health Conditions

Many people report that they drink vodka more quickly than gin, and gin more quickly than whiskey, because of the respective flavors of the beverages. Therefore, eat well and be well hydrated before you start drinking alcohol. Eat first and be well hydrated before you start drinking alcohol. Your stomach has only a few square feet of surface area to use to absorb liquids, but your small intestine has many thousands of square feet available to absorb liquids. The stomach is built to mash food and mix it with digestive juices, whereas the small intestine is built to be an extremely efficient liquid extraction device. Lots of people find that they have a craving for a drink after they get home from work and before they eat dinner.

The HAMS Taper Page has detailed instructions on how to set up a taper schedule. A growing body of evidence suggests that Medical Marijuana is the single most effective cure for severe and otherwise intractable cases of Alcohol Dependence. Others who suffer from severe Alcohol Dependence feel compelled to continue drink the morning after and may go on benders which can last anywhere from days to weeks to months. If you try tapering off alcohol and find that you are struggling with withdrawal and relapse, it is a good idea to seek the assistance of a professional medical alcohol detox facility.

  • Having another person at your side is the best way to discourage these people from taking advantage of you.
  • Additionally, fats are held in the stomach longer than proteins, and proteins are held there longer than carbohydrates.
  • What you choose to drink can have a lot to do with how quickly you drink.
  • People often feel sated after drinking a single non-alcoholic beer, but are still ready to keep going after drinking half a dozen real beers.
  • You can also alternate wine with water or plain coke with rum and coke–etc etc etc.

The info here is based on my own experience trying and failing to taper, then eventually getting it right. Dehydration or low blood sugar will make your withdraw a lot worse. Establish an understanding between yourself and your friends that you can sleep on each other’s floors when you are too intoxicated to make it home for the night. Feel free to think up some more of your own and make a list of them to use the next time that you need them.

Who is likely to have significant alcohol withdrawal symptoms?

In Socrates’ time it was standard operating procedure to add water to wine to sober house slow down the pace. Some people decide to cut out drinking at home entirely and drink only in bars or restaurants as a strategy for limiting their drinking. We strongly urge you to remember to plan your transportation safely when you drink when you are out.

You will drink more slowly if you are not dehydrated and don’t feel thirsty. Remember, alcohol causes dehydration–this is why alcoholic beverages do not quench your thirst and why the more beer or booze that you drink the thirstier you actually feel. People often feel sated after drinking a single non-alcoholic beer, but are still ready to keep going after drinking half a dozen real beers. The good news is that there has been an extremely high success rate when these late stage chronic drinkers are treated with medical marijuana.

Do not allow anyone to put the notion into your head that you are diseased or powerless of that you will die without AA. The majority of people who quit drinking do so on their own–regardless of how much they drink. Some people find that if they have booze in the house they will drink it so they choose not to keep booze in the house and buy only what they will drink on their drinking day or else drink only in bars.

beer taper

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If you are struggling to stop or cut down through alcohol tapering, this may be a sign to seek more help, Lee said. There are a variety of resources to explore, including 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or SMART Recovery, Lee explained. “Anyone who uses alcohol frequently and in heavy amounts should consider cutting down to moderate drinking or stopping altogether,” explains Joshua D. Lee, MD, MSc, Chief Clinical Advisor at Oar Health.

However, when the GABA receptors are exposed to alcohol over a long period of time they struggle to overcome the effect of the alcohol and to return to normal functioning. This is one reason why drinking alcohol has less and less of a payoff when consumed constantly over a long period of time. One is not nearly so relaxed by alcohol the third day into a bender as one was on the first day. After being exposed to alcohol over a long period of time the GABA receptors stop responding as efficiently to the presence of GABA. When the alcohol is suddenly no longer there, these GABA receptors now respond only very weakly to the presence of GABA. The average person takes around an hour and a half to metabolize a single standard drink–for example one 12 oz beer.

Intoxicating beverages have been around since the Neolithic period (about 10,000 BC) which is a lot longer than modern medications. Throughout history alcohol has been used for a number of different issues, including tapering off to overcome alcohol use. You might be surprised to find that you don’t need alcohol to enjoy certain events and previously would drink out of habit.

Sometimes getting AA out of your head is essential for successfully accomplishing your drinking goal–whether that goal is safer drinking, reduced drinking–or even quitting. Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist which is helpful in changing people’s drinking habits because of alcohol’s effects on the naturally occurring opioids in the brain. Dr David Sinclair has been doing research for the government of Finland on the use of naltrexone to treat alcohol problems for decades. The Sinclair Method of using naltrexone involves taking 50 mg of naltrexone one hour before drinking alcohol and not taking naltrexone at any other time.